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God is calling St. John's to serve, both within our church and within the community and the world we live. Our mission is to continue to "serve Christ in the community" as we faithfully have been doing for over 160 years. We strive to be a community where God's love is visibly changing lives, and people walk daily with Jesus Christ. We will show evidence of this type of service to community by celebrating God's call to us to love, by growing in faith, by serving others generously, and by drawing others into the heart of God.

Come and see. Come and worship. Come and serve. Come and join.


  • 5th Sunday after Epiphany Worship Liturgy 02-09-2025

  • Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple 02-02-2025

  • Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 01-19-2025





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